Kicking Our Grandpas to the Curb

Kicking Our Grandpas to the Curb

Watching the horrific number of nursing home deaths at the beginning of the pandemic and the selfish, toddler-esque tantrums of the anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers, one gets the feeling that this country doesn’t care about its elderly.  And they would be right.  This...
Our Polarization is Killing Us

Our Polarization is Killing Us

Make no mistake.  We have a public health crisis on our hands and it’s killing millions of us.  No, I’m not talking about that one.  I’m talking about the political polarization of our nation.  When politicians speak of the need to heal, oh boy do we ever. ...
Believe Me You

Believe Me You

Fearing the onset of serious brain rot, the other night I decided to switch up my usual entertainment choices.  Rather than watch such intellectually irredeemable fare as Adam Sandler’s new cinematic gem, Hubie Halloween, I instead watched a couple TED talks.  A talk...
A Brief Pause in My Coronavirus Venting

A Brief Pause in My Coronavirus Venting

Civil rights icon John Lewis died a couple weeks ago and America mourns.  You hear the words he uttered over the course of a remarkable life and wonder if this guy was human.  Indeed, a CNN commentator likened him to a saint.  Here’s a guy who had his head beaten in...
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